
Our Services / Fatty Liver

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Fatty Liver services offered in Chesterfield, MO

A fatty liver occurs when the liver stores too much fat. For most people, a fatty liver causes no symptoms or serious liver damage. However, when left undiagnosed and untreated, a fatty liver worsens over time and may cause liver inflammation and scarring. But with the right care, you can heal a damaged liver. Gateway Gastroenterology in Chesterfield, Missouri, specializes in diagnosing and treating fatty liver. Call the office or request an appointment online today.

Fatty Liver Q & A

What is fatty liver?

Fatty liver, or steatosis, means there’s an accumulation of fat in the liver. Your liver is part of your digestive system. It stores energy, makes proteins, and removes toxins from your blood.

A healthy liver stores a small amount of fat. When the fat content reaches 5-10%, you have a fatty liver. In most cases, this extra fat doesn't affect the normal functions of the liver. However, a fatty liver worsens over time, causing inflammation, scarring, and, eventually, cirrhosis.

But when found and treated before there’s any serious liver damage, fatty liver is reversible. 

What are the types of fatty liver?

There are two types of fatty liver: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease.


NAFLD is a type of fatty liver disease not related to alcohol consumption. Researchers theorize that excess fat accumulates from many factors, including lifestyle and medical history. Obesity and diabetes increase your risk of NAFLD.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease

Alcoholic fatty liver disease, or alcoholic steatosis, occurs from heavy alcohol consumption. Your liver metabolizes most of the alcohol you drink, which is harmful to the liver. Over time, the excess alcohol damages the liver, leading to inflammation and liver damage.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease is the first sign of liver damage from alcohol.

A fatty liver develops without causing symptoms. If you have concerns about the health of your liver, schedule a consultation at Gateway Gastroenterology.

What tests can diagnose fatty liver?

Before running any tests to diagnose fatty liver, your gastroenterologist at Gateway Gastroenterology does a complete history and physical exam. They also run blood work to check liver function.

If they suspect fatty liver, they may recommend imaging tests like an ultrasound, and Fibroscan. They may also take a biopsy of the liver to assess the damage.

What are the treatments for fatty liver?

Treatment for fatty liver depends on the severity of the liver damage. However, abstaining from alcohol is a typical recommendation, even for people with NAFLD.  Gateway Gastroenterology also recommends lifestyle changes to improve liver health, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight loss. We also recommend scheduling a Fibroscan to check on the severity of your fatty liver.  Taking these steps and making these changes give your liver a chance to heal. 

What is NASH?

  • ‘Silent’ liver disease. There are usually no symptoms.
  • NASH is the inflammatory version that affects 20-30M Americans.
  • NASH can progress to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer.
  • #1 indication for liver transplant referral in U.S.

Who is at Risk?

  • Diabetics have a 1 in 6 risk of having advanced NASH.
  • Patients with metabolic syndrome also at risk (HTN, obesity, cholesterol abnormalities).
  • Morbid obesity is a key risk factor.

What are the Signs?

  • Right sided abdominal pain may be present.
  • Liver blood tests may be elevated but are normal in 50% of patients.
  • Liver imaging with ultrasound often shows fat liver.
  • Fibroscan measures liver stiffness and is key for insights into severity.

What Can Patients Do About this Condition?

Clinical trials may be an important care option for high-risk patients.

Get FibroScan® to understand the health of your liver.

There are currently no FDA approved medicines.

What is FibroScan®?

FibroScan® (FS) is a non-invasive, ultrasound-based procedure that is painless and takes 10 minutes to complete in the clinic setting.

For more information on Fibroscan, please click on this link.  https://youtu.be/KkJtfujsYP4?si=2jTKXCiLcGSKwWah

What Does it Measure?

FS measures the stiffness of the liver which correlates with the level of scarring on liver biopsy. Liver scarring is the main predictor of adverse outcomes for this disease.

To find out more about fatty liver, call Gateway Gastroenterology or request an appointment online today.