
Blog Post

Gateway Physicians Advocate for Patient Choice

Americans are anxiously watching healthcare reform debates. So are physicians!

The physicians of Gateway Gastroenterology feel strongly that patients should continue to have the opportunity to choose a physician and to choose where to receive medical care. After all, we as physicians help patients make difficult healthcare decisions regularly and we have found that patients make smart choices when presented with helpful data. To that end the physicians of Gateway Gastroenterology have teamed up with some of the major gastrointestinal societies (such as the ASGE) to advocate for our patient’s right to choose where to have a screening colonoscopy.

We feel strongly that continued access to screening colonoscopy at endoscopy centers such as the Gateway Endoscopy Center is a safe, affordable, and smart choice for both patients and insurers. Not only that, but it SAVES LIVES! Protecting that choice for our patients (specifically those with Medicare) is one of our goals in the current healthcare reform debate, and we have sent letters to our Congressional representatives stating our position!

Contact our office to learn more about your choices— especially before your next screening colonoscopy.